Globe artichoke, flower bud, raw Globe artichoke, flower bud, boiled Chive, "Asatsuki", leaves, raw Chive, "Asatsuki", leaves, boiled Angelica, "Ashitaba", stems and leaves, raw Angelica, "Ashitaba", stems and leaves, boiled Aloe, leaves, raw Kidney beans, "Sayaingen", immature pods, raw Kidney beans, "Sayaingen", immature pods, boiled Endive, leaves, raw Japanese saltwort, stems and leaves, raw Japanese saltwort, stems and leaves, boiled Okra, pods, raw Okra, pods, boiled Cauliflower, inflorescence, raw Cauliflower, inflorescence, boiled Gourd, "Kanpyo" (dried gourd strips), raw Gourd, "Kanpyo" (dried gourd strips), boiled Japanese victory onion, leaves, raw Leaf celery, stems and leaves, raw Leaf celery, stems and leaves, boiled Watercress, stems and leaves, raw Arrowhead, tuber, raw Arrowhead, tuber, boiled Kale, leaves, raw Kohlrabi, enlarged stems, raw Kohlrabi, enlarged stems, boiled Ostrich-feather fern, fiddlehead, raw Edible burdock, root, raw Edible burdock, root, boiled Spinach mustard, "Komatsuna", leaves, raw Spinach mustard, "Komatsuna", leaves, boiled Stem mustard, pickles Winged beans, immature pods, raw Perilla, "Shiso", leaves, raw Perilla, "Shiso", immature seeds, raw Yandlong beans, immature pods, raw Yandlong beans, immature pods, boiled Garland chrysanthemum, leaves, raw Garland chrysanthemum, leaves, boiled Water shield, young leaves, bottled in water Zucchini, fruit, raw Water dropwort, stems and leaves, raw Water dropwort, stems and leaves, boiled Celery, petiole, raw Broad beans, immature beans, raw Broad beans, immature beans, boiled Tatsoi, leaves, raw Tatsoi, leaves, boiled Japanese angelica-tree, spears, raw Japanese angelica-tree, spears, boiled Chicory, spears, raw Field horsetail, fertile shoot, raw Field horsetail, fertile shoot, boiled New Zealand spinach, stems and leaves, raw Malabar nightshade, stems and leaves, raw Malabar nightshade, stems and leaves, boiled Leopard plant, petiole, raw Leopard plant, petiole, boiled Chinese preserving melon, fruit, raw Chinese preserving melon, fruit, boiled Red chicory, leaves, raw Summer cypress, seeds, boiled Semi-heading Chinese cabbage, "Nagasaki-hakusai", leaves, raw Semi-heading Chinese cabbage, "Nagasaki-hakusai", leaves, boiled Shepherd's purse, leaves, raw Turnip rape, flower buds and stems, raw Turnip rape, flower buds and stems, boiled Rape, stems and leaves, raw Rape, stems and leaves, boiled Bitter melon, fruit, raw Bitter melon, fruit, saut_ed Carrots, cultivar for leaf use, leaves, raw Wild onion, "Nobiru", bulb and leaves, raw Bok choy, leaves, raw Basil, leaves, raw Parsley, leaves, raw Little radish, root, raw Red beet*, root, raw
[*Syn. Table beet] Red beet*, root, boiled
[*Syn. Table beet] Hyacinth beans, immature pods, raw Swiss chard, leaves, raw Swiss chard, leaves, boiled Sponge gourd, immature fruit, raw Sponge gourd, immature fruit, boiled Horseradish, rhizome, raw Manchurian wild rice, stem, raw Japanese ginger, "Myoga", spike, raw Japanese ginger, "Myoga", young stems and leaves, raw Yam, bulbil, raw Brussels sprouts, head, raw Brussels sprouts, head, boiled Water pepper sprouts, raw Nalta jute*, stems and leaves, raw
[*Syn. Tossa jute] Nalta jute*, stems and leaves, boiled
[*Syn. Tossa jute] Thistle root, "Yamagobo", pickled with miso Lily, bulb, raw Lily, bulb, boiled Water convolvulus, stems and leaves, raw Water convolvulus, stems and leaves, boiled Aster, "Yomena", leaves, raw Japanese wormwood, leaves, raw Japanese wormwood, leaves, boiled Peanuts, immature beans, raw Peanuts, immature beans, boiled Leeks, bulb and leaves, raw Leeks, bulb and leaves, boiled Rocket salad, leaves, raw Garden rhubarb, petiole, raw Garden rhubarb, petiole, boiled East Indian lotus root, rhizome, raw East Indian lotus root, rhizome, boiled Green onion, "Wakegi", leaves, raw Green onion, "Wakegi", leaves, boiled Wasabi, rhizome, raw Wasabi, pickled with Sake lees