Eggs, domesticated duck, century egg (Pidan) Eggs, silky fowl, whole, raw Eggs, Japanese quail, whole, raw Eggs, Japanese quail, boiled, canned in brine Eggs, hen, whole, raw Eggs, hen, whole, boiled Eggs, hen, whole, poached egg Eggs, hen, boiled and canned in brine Eggs, hen, whole, sugared Eggs, hen, whole, dried Eggs, hen, yolk, raw Eggs, hen, yolk, boiled Eggs, hen, yolk, sugared Eggs, hen, yolk, dried Eggs, hen, white, raw Eggs, hen, white, boiled Eggs, hen, white, dried Eggs, hen, Tamago-dofu (cold savory egg custard) Eggs, hen, Tamago-yaki (Rolled omelet), Atsuyaki-tamago (sweet rolled omelet with Katsuo-bushi and kombu dashi) Eggs, hen, Tamago-yaki (Rolled omelet), Dashimaki-tamago (rolled omelet with Katsuo-bushi and kombu dashi)